Screens MEKA
30 years of experience
In providing professional engineering services and manufacturer of construction equipment
Reliable equipment
Reliable components
that ensure high efficiently
Unique engineering
Innovative developments
and engineering division qualification
SCREENS МЕКА they are an integral part of the crushing complex. They are intended for sorting various materials into fractions immediately after their extraction in the quarry. Depending on the model, the devices can have a screen area from 2 to 16 square meters and can be equipped with up to 4 levels of screens with meshes of different diameters.
Main types and key features of screens MEKA
MEKA screens differ from each other in the type of design, productivity and principle of operation. The entire assortment can be divided into two categories - vibrating (MS series) and grating (MGS series).
Regardless of the model, all MEKA screens have many advantages and distinctive features compared to similar models from other manufacturers:
- The covers are made of special steel S690QL, which is extremely resistant to vibrations.
- Riveted, not bolted assembly. The screws are loosened from constant vibrations, so it is necessary to stop the device often in order to tighten the fasteners.
- Modular design for easy repair or maintenance of all work units.
- The self-tensioning motor drive prevents damage to the motor and belts due to strong vibrations during operation.
- Quick exchange of nets or grates.
- Tilted work surface for the most efficient sorting process.
- The possibility of connecting an additional function of washing the material during sieving.
The key advantages of MEKA nets are the use of high-quality materials in production, easy operation of the machine, easy maintenance and an affordable price. A wide range of products allows you to choose the right model for working with specific materials, from sand to various rocks.
Due to the delivery directly from the factory and the absence of intermediaries, the price of our production is the most balanced in the market.